Joomla! 1.0 verfügbar

Wie das manchmal so ist, man möchte sich langsam ins Bett machen und dann kommt irgend etwas interessantes dazwischen, was einen noch recht lange am Rechner fesselt. Heute war es nicht „irgend etwas“ sondern eine Mail mit folgendem Inhalt:

Message Joomla!’s multi-award-winning team of developers today released version 1.0 of Joomla!. The team, which developed the world’s most popular Open Source content management system, have been working their magic since the Joomla! brand was announced just 17 days ago. Lead developer Andrew Eddie praised the development team and the Joomla! community for their work and support. „Baby Joomla! has cut its first tooth with the release of Joomla! v1.0 he said.“ This will be the first milestone in the Joomla! story everyone knows how important this day is, so everyone should celebrate the freedom. Joomla! website creation software is released under GNU GPL. Joomla! 1.0 is now available for download at Regards, The Joomla! Forums Team.

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